Rewards You Can Earn
Did you enjoy your experience with us and know friends and family who are interested in saving with solar?
Download our referral program app and refer your friends and family to earn rewards.
Sold Referral
Once your referral is installed
Bonus Rewards
Receive a bonus for every 3 referrals installed

Getting Started is Easy
Create an Advocator Account
1. Download the Earthlight Solar App on The Apple App Store or Google Play
2. Select “Create An Account”
3. Add your sales rep (if applicable)
4. Fill in your name, address, phone number, etc.
**If you don’t have a smartphone, give us a call for a different walkthrough**
Refer a Customer
1. Select the box on the left labeled “Add A Referral”
2. Be sure to include their name, address, phone number, and email
3. Select “Submit”
Track Your Referrals
1. Select the top left button to access the menu
2. Select “Referral History”